Sunday, August 16, 2009

Good Habits Chart

I made this chart for Jack a few months ago and as much as I hate to admit it has not been used as often as it should. Oh yes, I have excuses... so does he, but I won't bore you with them.

A bit about the chart: The chart is made out of some scrap plywood that I painted and screwed hooks into. I found a little box at Michaels which I cut down to size and covered in paper. The "good habit" cards are laminated and hole punched at the top.
How it works: I thought about how I wanted to organize this chart quite a bit. I knew I didn't want it to be a "chore" or "job" chart even though "jobs" and "chores" are part of life. I wanted these basic responsibilities to become habits. I also knew that I didn't want a reward system because I don't think basic family household contribution should require a reward. I thought the action of taking off the card and putting it in the "I did it box" would enhance the feeling of accomplishment. Okay, wow, anyhoo...the board is divided into 4 sections: morning, noon, night and then there is also a manners section (haven't really figured out how that works best yet). All of the habits cards are placed on the category hook and when completed is put into the box that says "I did it". Then either that night after the last habit is accomplished you just put 'em all back- Jack really likes this part. So there you have it! This was fun for me to make and Jack certainly enjoyed coming up with all the different "good habits".

UPDATE: I was flipping through Parents magazine (that we are subscribed to until like...2030-ugh!) and I came across this cute little chore chart- Unfortunately you can't see it- just take my word for it. It is a small binder inverted so it is like a flipchart. Wish I had seen this before I went through the effort. Has the same basic principals working here. You can download the cards and customize the labels. I ended up printing out the cards because we have some of the same and I am not too crazy about my artwork on some of them- and the colors work too.

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