Wednesday, August 19, 2009

4 3/4 Interview

So I've been wanting to do this for a while...
These are kind of random questions... I got them here . They are a good jumping off point, but need to be re-worked condensed and organized. These are all direct quotes from Jack my comments are in the parenthesis. Some of the answers are sweet and some are... well... so Jack.

I feel happy when...I hug people I love.

I feel sad when... you are mad at me even when you are frustrated.

I like to... do the dishes with mama- but I don't really like to do it that much.

My daddy is... my best daddy in the whole wide world.

My mama is... my favorite mama in the world and I love you so much... to the moon and back.

I love books and watch movies but only one... or maybe 2, or 3, or 4 but not not like a big long number 'cause you would NEVER let me do
that. (for the record never 4 movies in a day- I cannot dispute any other claims).

My favorite color is... orange.

I like to eat... pancakes...eggs, cookies, best of all french fries and hamburgers. (I promise I make food besides diner foods)

I like to play... with my friends at the park.

My favorite toy is... train tracks.

It makes me happy when... when I give my mom X's and O's.

It makes me sad when... I hurt my brother.(hmmm)

I feel frustrated when... I do something wrong that I don't want to happen.

I really like it when... I go to the beach and drink chocolate milk.

The best thing I do is... clean up... well not very much... but I am today!!!

I'm excited about... when I get babysitted.

I love me because... because I
love my hair- 'cause it's red! And I am very kissy and huggy. (oh my...)

I like to go... to my Gammy's house for a sleep over and my Grandma's house and school.

I don't like to... clean up--but i do... because it is important.

My favorite things to do are... play with my brother and play games and... (yeah things are disintegrating about now)

The best thing about my birthday party was...the carnival music (that Papa put together), and the bean bag toss.

My favorite song is... Chickadee, Chickadee (Little Bird, LIttle Bird)

My favorite school activity is... this is hard one... the work with the red chopsticks (home-school), making pin holes in the ship (pre-school)

My favorite art activity is... painting the sign for you when you came home from your trip.

The best part about being 4 years old is... my birthdays are awesome-bo-bosome.

Do you love taking naps? Ummm...NO. This is kind of a dumb question mom. (charming right? we had quite a discussion about other vocabulary words we might use- kind of embarrassed to type this one).

My favorite book is... Bunny Follows His Nose- or whatever that one is called.

This kid is definitely a character.

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