Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Growing

It has been happening... the growing thing. You'd think you would see it coming but you don't. It is so gradual and then there are those days when you think "where have I been?"
I am looking at a tall, lean boy these days, I can hardly believe it. I cannot even see my baby buried there. I got sad yesterday packing up a batch of 4T clothes...4T!!! And I remembered a post I saw somewhere a while back that I LOVED and thought captured these feelings in a more poetic way:

"days when they put on years overnight. it's like a finger pressed to my lips, a voice whispering shhh... don't fight it. change, it comes with the growing."

Luckily I still have Elliott and those baby curls... for now.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Here is a story that just defines serendipity (one of my favorite words)...

About two weeks ago I needed a 'therapy shower'- which is my euphemism for a really long shower where I cry about my dad etc. So I left the boys downstairs watching a movie. When I got out of the shower/bathroom area I heard Jack chatting away with someone and I just assumed he was talking to Elliott or with my mom who might have called while I was in the shower. So I headed down the stairs and Jack was indeed on the phone chatting away. When he saw me he walked the phone right over and said, "Okay, well, you can talk to my mom now."
I glanced at the time running on the phone... 28:15 minutes (okay listen, I was not in the shower all that time... but it was a long shower).
"Hello?" I say.
"Hi there, I've been having the most wonderful conversation with your son Jack" says an unfamiliar voice.
"Excuse me, may I ask who this is?"
"Well, this is Mrs. Barney."

Turns out Jack randomly dialed this woman and engaged her in quite a lengthy conversation. Oh my... am I surprised that my Jack chatted up some random lady for almost 30 minutes? Nope. I am surprised however that he dialed Mrs Barney... an older woman with no grand or great grandchildren close by who just happens to live less than a mile away. She made me promise that I wouldn't scold Jack for making the call because she enjoyed his conversation so much... how cute is that? What a sweet little blessing for all of us. She also told Jack that he could come by and take as many of her children's books as he liked! We are so there Mrs. Barney!

I will update this story later hopefully with a picture of our new friend. We have plans to stop by and drop off some artwork Jack has made for her and perhaps some cookies too. Can't wait to meet this old gal, she sounds terrific!